ganglia client on centos
On the client machines which would be running gmond service follow the steps
Download and compile ganglia. This time without gmetad option enabled.
[root@localhost usr]# tar -vxf ganglia-3.5.0.tar.gz
[root@localhost usr]#cd ganglia-3.5.0
[root@localhost ganglia-3.5.0]# ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc/ganglia/ --sbindir=/usr/sbin/ --with-gmetad --enable-static-build
[root@localhost ganglia-3.5.0]# make
[root@localhost ganglia-3.5.0]# make install
[root@localhost ganglia-3.5.0]# gmond --default_config > /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf
Open the configuration file in an editor
[root@localhost ganglia-3.5.0]# vi /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf
cluster {
name = "test"
owner = "test group"
latlong = "unspecified"
url = "unspecified"
Copy the init script and start the gmond service
[root@localhost gmond]# cp gmond.init /etc/init.d/gmond
[root@localhost gmond]# service gmond start
[root@localhost gmond]# service gmond status
gmond (pid 11376) is running...
[root@localhost gmond]# chkconfig gmond on
run gmond.bat